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Running With Blades

Project Type

3D UE4 Game


April 2023


Programmer, Designer

A 3D Endless Runner Game

This is a game developed by me with the assistance of a video tutorial series on How to Create an Endless Runner, as well as various free assets available to me from said tutorial series, the Unreal Engine asset market and OpenGameArt. As the sole developer, I was both programmer and designer of this game.

In this game, players control a swordsman travelling through the forest at an accelerating speed. Along the way, players can encounter obstacles to manoeuvre around, enemies to kill by throwing swords and collectibles such as coins and extra swords.

Unlike all the other games I've made in this portfolio, this game was made in Unreal Engine 4, and programmed using Blueprints. It was an enriching experience as I learnt how to navigate the new game engine, its controls and windows. I also found it interesting to discover what were the blueprints that corresponded to code I was familiar with in C#, such as "Cast to" being similar to "GetComponent"/"FindObjectOfType".

I also had to familiarise myself with the new variety of tools available to me such as the ability to retarget Animations to a new skeleton, using Prefab Instances to create materials that I can easily manipulate to achieve different results and utilizing Decal Materials as a form of visual feedback for the player.

Overall, despite the learning curve I experienced, it was a unique experience and I am proud of the first game I ended up making in UE4.

Running with Blades EXE download:
Running with Blades gameplay video:

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